Dear IPSC Friends,

Let me invite you to the competition

Polish Open 2022


SQUAD shooting team Polska
Wieslaw GENO Sioda 
Jan JUMBO Staněk
Agata Wrzesińska

Halinka Arms
Halinka Drozdz 
Zbyszek Kubicz

email: [email protected]
tel: +48 884 886 262 (PL)
tel: +420 602 790 557 (CZ)

shooting range Wiechlice
GPS : 51°33’43.8″N 15°36’34.4″E

Verify informations

no score data yet

Teams registration / Klasyfikacia drużynowa

1. Do klasyfikacji drużynowej może zgłosić się drużyna składająca się z minimalnie 3 a maksymalnie 4 zawodników.
2. Zawodnicy w danej drużynie muszą być zawodnikami startującymi w tej samej klasie sprzętowej.
3. Wynikiem całej drużyny jest suma punktów 3 najlepszych zawodników danej drużyny.
4. Otwarcie klasyfikacji drużynowej wymaga zgłoszenia się przynajmniej 3 drużyn.
5. Opłata dodatkowa za zgłoszenie drużyny wynosi 200 zł za całą drużynę. Po 1.09 opłata nie podlega zwrotowi.
6. Opłata dodatkowa za zgłoszenie drużyny zostanie zwrócona jeśli do 31.08 nie zgłosi się wymagana do otwarcia klasyfikacji liczba drużyn.
7. Drużyny należy zgłosić mailowo do 31.08. Treść zgłoszenia musi zawierać nazwę drużyny oraz imiona i nazwiska członków drużyny.
8. Wniesienie opłaty dodatkowej z tytułu zgłoszenia drużyny nie zwalnia zawodników z uiszczenia swojej opłaty startowej. Brak uiszczenia opłaty startowej przez danego zawodnika do dnia 31.08 spowoduje automatyczne usunięcie go ze składu drużyny.

1. A team consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 players may enter the Team Classification.
2. Competitors in a given team must be competitors in the same IPSC division.
3. The result of the entire team is the sum of the points of the top 3 players of the team.
4. Opening the Team Classification requires the participation of at least 3 teams.
5. The additional fee for registering a team is PLN 200 for the entire team. Fee is not refundable after 1.09.
6. The additional fee for registering a team will be refunded if the number of teams required to open the classification will not reported by 31.08.
7. Teams should be registered by e-mail by 31.08. The application must include the name of the team and the names and surnames of the team members.
8. The payment of the additional fee for the registration of the team does not release the competitors from paying their individual starting fee. Failure to pay the starting fee by a given competitor by 31.08 will automatically remove him from the team.


Date: 10-11.9.2022
IPSC Level: III.
Stages: 24
Minimum rounds: 421
Entry fee:

600 PLN / € 130,
Juniors 300 PLN / €65

Prematch – capacity: 72 competitors
Mainmatch: 384 competitors, 8 shooters per squad, 2 shifts/2 days of shooting

Open, Standard, Production, Production Optic, Classic, Revolver

Categories: Regular, Lady, Junior, Senior, Super Senior
Organizer: SQUAD Shooting Team POLAND, HALINKA Arms
Place: Wiechlice, Poland
Mandatory equipment: Hearing protection & eye protection (muffs, glasses)
Participants: Active members of recognized IPSC region
Guns and ammunitions: Own, per IPSC rules. It is not allowed to use ammunition with a piercing and incendiary bullets.
Refreshment: TBD

1) The shooters start at their own expense or at the expense of the sending organization at their own risk. Shooters are responsible for the damage and damage caused.

2) The time schedule is dependent on the number of participants in the match. This timeschedule is indicative.

3) The organizer reserves the right to change according to the objective situations. The organizer also reserves the right to change the date of competition.

4) Upon agreement with the organizers, a competitor may start in more than one division, officially announced only in the first shot division.

5) If, for objective reasons, a competitor can not shoot all 16 situations in one day, contact the organizer.


Match management

Match Director: Wiesław GENO Sioda (POL)
Match Director: Halina Drozdz (POL)
Match Secretary: Agata Wrzesinska (POL)
Range Master: Johan Kurz (GER)
Stats Director: Jan JUMBO Staněk (CZE)
Quotermaster: Zbyszek Kubicz (POL)

Basic Time plan

Date Time
8-9.9.2022 10:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 18:00

8:00 – 12:30

13:00 – 17:30

Main match – squads M01-M24

Guncheck (afternoon squads)
Main match – squads M25-M48


7:30 – 12:30
13:00 – 17:30


Main match – squads M25-M48
Main match – squads M01-M24

Results publication


COVID-19 Info

In case we will not have a possibility to host match at announced date, all entry fees will be transfered to new match date or next round of KingsCup.

Registration fee

Payment of the start fee must be paid no later than the 10 days from the registration. Your registration will be deleted in case of non-payment of the start fee. Registration fee is non-refundable, can be transferred to another competitor in the same match.
Please be so kind and include Reference Number, obtained in registration to every payment.
In case of the entry fee transferred on behalf of more than one person, provide a list of all prepaid competitors and add an exact amount paid on behalf of each shooter on the list to the e-mail.
This information is essential for correct payment recording.

In case of canceled registration for failed payment deadline, the organiser reserves the right to shorten the deadline for payment for any following registration.

  • Bank account for payments in PLN:
    Konto PLN : 78 1050 1445 1000 0092 9250 4066
    IBAN: PL 78 1050 1445 1000 0092 9250 4066
    Account owner: KAGENFOL s.c. Katrzyna Sioda Wiesław Sioda ul. Grochowa 8 30-731 Kraków Nip 6790164330
  • Bank account for payments in EUR:
    IBAN: PL 24 1050 1445 1000 0092 9250 4165
    Account owner: KAGENFOL s.c. Katrzyna Sioda Wiesław Sioda ul. Grochowa 8 30-731 Kraków Nip 6790164330



The organizer reserves the right to change the date of competition.

More matches this year by Squad Shooting team:

KSSiSO SQUAD Kraków Privacy Policy / Polityka Prywatności

Data controller. This document ("Privacy Policy") describes how KSSiSO SQUAD Kraków   ("We/Controller") processes personal data ("Data"), of individuals using the services provided ("You"), including within the website (the "Website").

We care about your privacy.

Every time we access your Data, we make sure that it is processed in accordance with applicable law and with the highest standards of privacy and security. First and foremost, we process your Data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). We use strict technical and organizational measures to protect all the Data we process against loss, destruction, or unauthorized access by third parties.

How to contact us.

If you have any questions or comments about the protection of your data or if you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please contact the Controller by sending an email to: [email protected] .

Data that we collect from you.

We may collect the following categories of Data from you, including, but not limited to: contact data such as your name, surname, birthdate, e-mail, telephone number; photos taken during the event, payment (transaction) data, - i.e. data related to payments made when using our services; history of performed transactions.

Data we obtain automatically.

Our Site, when you use it, may collect certain Data automatically. We may obtain information by automated means, such as browser cookies, pixels, web server logs, web beacons, and other technologies. The information we collect in this manner may include: (a) Data about your device, including MAC address, IP address, log information, device model, hardware model, IMEI number, serial number, subscription information, device settings, connections to other devices, mobile network operator, browser characteristics application usage information, sales code, access code, current software version, MNC, subscription information, and random, non-persistent and re-settable device identifiers such as Personalized Service Identifier (or PSID), and advertising identifiers including Google Ads ID; (b) Data about your use of the Site, including Clickstream Data, your interactions with the Site (such as web pages visited, search terms and applications and features used), the pages that led or referred you to the Site, the date and time of your use of the Site; and your use of third-party websites, applications and features that are linked to Our Services; (c) Data about your use of third-party websites, applications and features that are linked to Our Services.

Purposes and legal basis of data processing.

  1. Provision of Services. We use your Data to provide services to you, as well as to accept or make related payments or to contact you in this regard. The legal basis for the processing is the necessity for the performance of a contract to which you are a party (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). The retention period for such data processing lasts until the statute of limitations for claims arising from services provided to you.
  2. Processing your requests. We will process your Data to respond to your requests or complaints. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the controller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). This legitimate interest is to enable us to properly handle your complaint. The retention period for such processing lasts until the statute of limitations for claims arising from your requests or complaints.
  3. We use your data to communicate with you through various channels. The legal basis for processing your data is the legitimate interest of the controller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). This legitimate interest is to ensure proper communication with you. The retention period for such data processing lasts until you object to the processing, in any case no longer than 5 years.
  4. Website analysis and personalisation. We use your Data to personalise content and analyse the Site and web traffic. For this purpose, we use cookies. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), consisting in the analysis of user activity in order to optimise the services provided. The storage period for such data lasts until you successfully object to their processing, but no longer than is necessary for the purposes of such processing.
  5. We may use your Data to conduct marketing activities for the Controller's services, which include sending a newsletter (if you consent to sending commercial information electronically). The legal basis for data processing is the Controller's legitimate interest in direct marketing of our services (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). The storage period for such data lasts until an effective objection is raised, but no longer than is necessary for the purposes of such processing.

Voluntary Provision of Data.

Provision of Data is voluntary. However, without receiving the necessary Data, we may not be able to perform some of the activities that you have requested. Without the Data necessary to commence the provision of services, we cannot provide those services to you - the provision of the Data is therefore a condition of entering into a contract with us.

Recipients of Data.

In some situations we may need to share your Data with third parties such as: (a) third party service providers - we employ other companies and individuals to perform tasks on our behalf. Examples include, providing marketing support or accounting services. Such third-party service providers have access to your data to the extent necessary to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes. In addition, they must process your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of their data processing agreements and applicable data protection laws; (b) public authorities, in connection with their legal proceedings under relevant legislation.

Transfers to countries outside of the EEA.

We do not and do not plan to transfer Data of users originating in the European Economic Area to countries outside of this area.

Your Rights.

These rights are: the right to access your Data, including to obtain copies of the Data, right to demand rectification of Data, right to Data deletion (“right to be forgotten”), right to restrict processing of your Data, right to withdraw consent – in the scope, in which your Data are processed under consent. Remember that withdrawal of a consent does not affect legitimacy of data processing under a consent before it is withdrawn, right to transfer Data, right to object to Data processing. If you believe that our processing of your Data violates the law, you can lodge a complaint with the Polish President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych). You can find more information on how to lodge a complaint here.

Automated decision taking.

We do not take any decisions by automated means, including by profiling.


This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites you visit. They are commonly used to make online services work better or more efficiently. The use of cookies is currently a market standard. Cookies may come from us ("first party cookies") or from third parties whose services we use ("third party cookies"). Certain information stored in cookies (e.g. relating to your preferences), especially when combined with other information about you, may be treated as personal data. Personal data collected through cookies may only be processed for the purpose of performing certain functionalities for you. This data is encrypted in such a way that it cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons. Some functionalities may not work properly if cookies are disabled. To find out what cookies we use on our website and how long they are stored, click here.


We may use information collected through cookie technology for, among other things, the following purposes: (a) remembering information about user, so that you do not have to re-enter it, (b) understanding how you use and interact with the Site so that we can tailor the Site to your preferences, (c) managing and measuring the usability of the Site, (d) making our communications more effective, and (e) improving our services.

Cookie Management.

You can change your cookie settings via the cookie consent manager on our website or your browser settings. Most web browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies. However, you can change your browser settings so that cookies are blocked - in full or in part, e.g. to block third party cookies, or so that you receive a message each time cookies are sent to your device. Guidance on how to control cookies in popular browsers can be found below. Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox MacOS Safari Microsoft Edge. More information can be found at: or

Current version of Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy provides up-to-date information about our processing of your Data.